Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I have been blessed to live on a hill in beautiful Lake Guntersville. Every day when I sit in my chair (which has been dubbed "the queen's chair" by my family), I am able and blessed to look out upon a fabulous view of the town and the lake. For Christmas, my husband gave me a bird feeder on a pole and he put it in the yard so I can see it from my chair.

The feeder was up for about two weeks and no birds! I thought maybe it was because they saw the cats in the window or maybe they didn't realize there was seed in that feeder. I went out and sprinkled seed on the ground around it and they still didn't come. Then one day, boom! Birds everywhere! Word had gotten out, there is seed!

The Word tells us that it is seed. Sometimes, it is hard to receive that seed due to various fears, preset ideas, religious mindsets. Mark chapter 4 explains the things that hinder the receiving of the seed. I have been guilty of letting the cares of this life enter in and choke the Word in my life, as I am sure most of us have. Fear of the future, finances, worry about our children, etc. But I am here to tell you that The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace and joy. No matter what our circumstances, that word, that seed, will grow up and produce the kingdom. In Mark 4:11, Jesus said that to us it has been given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God. That word mystery is musterion which means a secret known only to the initiated. The word denotes something that people could never know by their own understanding and that demands a revelation from God. The Word is a seed that grows up in our mind (soul) and reveals what the Spirit in us already knows.

Colossians1:13, "He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love." He has delivered us from the power of not seeing and transferred us into the kingdom! Colossians 1:27 tells us that He made known the mystery to us, CHRIST IN US, the hope of glory.

The seed always produces after its own kind. We have the seed of God Himself. We cannot produce anything lasting that is not of Him. It is wood, hay and stubble. It will be burned up. It will be burned up by the fire of God. All that will be left is the gold, silver and precious stones. Our God is a consuming fire. Whatever we have produced in the past is consumed by His Presence. Get into the Word and let it take hold in that good ground. All the other cares of this life will fade away under the glorious presence of HIM. Sing unto Him a new song, worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. His Word,His Seed, is Spirit and it is life!

I am so glad the birds found that that seed feeder is safe. That it is there as a gift to their beauty and song. That the seed in that feeder is for their enjoyment as well as their nutrition. That it brings pleasure to me, as the giver of that seed, to see them and hear their song.

It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom!


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